Challenges 30-Day Self-Portrait Challenge I set out to answer a simple question: In just 30 days, could I master the self-portrait using only pencil and paper? Now it's time to decide.
Book Notes Impro: Improvisation and the Theatre by Keith Johnstone We are driven, consciously or unconsciously, by our desire to achieve a particular level of status relative to those around us.
Annual Review My 2019 Annual Review What went well, what went poorly, and the lessons I learned in 2019.
Productivity How to Remember What You Read with Readwise If you want to optimize for understanding, you need to see reading for what it really is: the first step in a larger process.
Learning The Best Books and Articles I Read in 2019 This year I read around 30 books and countless articles. These were my favorite 10 that I'd highly recommend anyone read next year.
Book Notes Seeking Wisdom by Peter Bevelin The best way to learn what, how, and why things work is to master the best of what other people have already figured out. Achieving wisdom is best achieved by learning the big ideas that underlie reality.
Book Notes The Great Mental Models Vol. 1 by Shane Parrish We can improve our understanding of how the world works by using mental models to shape how we think, how we understand, and how we form beliefs.
Book Notes The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber Most small businesses fail because they make a fatal assumption: if you understand the technical work of a business, you understand a business that does technical work.
Health 3 Days With No Food: My Water Fasting Results Why I went three days without food and what actually happened.
Habits How to Break A Bad Habit Your bad habits are what separate who you are from who you wish to be. They stand in your way, keeping you from living a more healthy, more fulfilling, and purposeful life.
Book Notes Antifragile by Nassim Taleb All systems can be categorized by the following triad – Fragile, Robust, and Antifragile.
Learning How to Make Anyone Your Mentor My method allows you to learn from the best performers right away without having to worry about getting a response.
Book Notes Atomic Habits by James Clear Developing good habits in your life is a matter of following four simple steps: make the cue obvious, the craving attractive, the response easy to follow, and the reward satisfying.
Learning How to Choose What Skills to Learn Changing the course of your life is as simple as developing skills other people find valuable.
Book Notes Made to Stick by Chip & Dan Heath Ideas that “stick” are ones easily remembered and understood. They have a lasting impact on the intended audience by making them listen, believe and act. So what makes an idea sticky?
Decision Making Optimize for Fewest Regrets Our fear of failure often blinds us from the most important question we should be asking when making a decision: “Would I regret this failure?”
Book Notes Deep Work by Cal Newport If you want to be a winner in the new economy, then you must learn how to produce. Producing your best creative output requires training yourself to perform deep work.
Learning Just-in-Time vs. Just-in-Case Learning This just-in-time model can also be applied effectively to how we learn. This involves putting all of your resources (in this case, your time and attention) into learning a skillset in demand.
Annual Review My 2018 Annual Review What went well, what went poorly, and the lessons I learned in 2018.
Goal Setting Looking Back to Move Forward If I were to pinpoint the one change I made that has helped me go from creating aimless goals to making purposeful goals that garner action, it would be this: self-reflection.
Self-Development Embrace the Suck If you look around, you might notice most people don’t even allow themselves to suck at something new.
Habits How I Use Google Calendar to Plan my Week Google Calendar has become an invaluable resource for how I organize my life. It has been one of the few free tools I’ve found useful for building out my schedule.
Decision Making Want to Make Better Decisions? Know Your Core Values When you don’t have your core values explicitly defined, you default to your emotions to make the decisions for you.
Self-Development Growth Mindset: A True Superpower We all have fundamental beliefs about how we view ourselves, making up what is essentially our personality. Whether you realize it or not, it is these powerful beliefs that hinder and propel us from reaching our potential.
Health Why I Stopped Following the News I realized my consumption of the news, although well intended, did nothing outside of provoking unpleasant emotions.